Priority Membership

To attend our Ice hockey session you must reply to the invite text every week to reserve your space. The spaces are given on a first come first served and are limited.

The problem is, if you aren’t by your phone, ready with a good signal you can miss out on a space. They have been known to fill in 2 minutes.

We have decided to offer an upgraded service

introducing an option to become a PTI member.

We will send out the invite text to those PTI members 1 hour before normal invite text. This gives you as a priority text invite member a chance to reserve your place first with 1-hour head start each time.

The cost of being a PTI member is £10 per calendar month (or part thereof) and is payable by standing order. To be set up at the start of the month

You may cancel at any time if you so wish as you set up the instruction. Each Payment covers you for the month the payment was made.

Upon introduction of the PTI membership, the priority text will usually go out 7pm Friday and now 8pm for normal invite texts


  • Receive invite text 1 hour before non-priority members
  • Priority for members if you are still late to reply on reserve list over non-PTI
  • £10 PCM payable by standing order
  • No cancellation fee or notice period or minimum term
  • Limited to only Max 25% of membership

Once it is full only space for PTI will be given when someone cancels and gives up their membership.

Please note this membership greatly increases the chance of getting a session space but we still recommend all players to respond as soon as they are able. If you reply late you may still miss out.

Setting up online banking? :-

Reference – PTI Mem  [first letter forename.surname eg PTI Mem J.Smith]

A/c Demons SHC

Sort 40.18.51

A/c number 81279408

Amount £10 PCM

(Start 1st month / until further notice)

Apply Here:

    i Confirm I'm Already A Bunker Boys Registered Member